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For Writing.........

1st:- My Father.

          Although he had not published any article, but still his writing capability is just awesome. I remember one incident when he had taught me how to write an application & I still use that format. Whatever he writes, has always created a great impact on the reader. I've also seen examples of that. I'll mention just one here - One fine day my father was very upset about his transfer from his department to the Govt. driving school ( Where International driving licence is issued ). Though it was in the same city (Bhubaneswar) but my father was not happy about that. So, he wrote an application to the transport commissioner citing various official reasons for the cancellation of that order. It was about some 12-15 pages. And to even his surprise, his transfer orders were cancelled just after two days. I was fortunate enough to read that application.

Love you Dad.

2nd:- My Elder Brother.

        I must admit that my brother is a genius. From his childhood, he has this hobby of writing. He had written  many stories, plays, poems,etc. He had managed to publish many of them. And whenever I read his articles/stories, I get impressed. He has such a skill in putting the words, that anybody will appreciate. He also tried to be a journalist, but unfortunately, due to some family problems he could not managed to be one. But now he is doing his PhD & had published many articles & case studies in some national & international journals/magazines. So, I'm also trying to follow some of his techniques.

3rd:- Mr. Jyoti Prakash Mohapatra (Pupu Nana)

        He is simply a great writer. His words create magic. What a great style he has in his words. He is a journalist, a gem in his field of having more that 7-8 years of experience. He has numerous articles/posts to his credit. As far as I know he has only one hobby of writing. And seriously I feel myself incapable to even talk about him. A great man to learn from.

For The Story...Hypnotised (The Untold Story)

        There is only one person who inspired me & that is none other than the "silly girl" character of the story. She has been the inspiration of many steps taken by me. So, full credit to her for the story part.